Monday, 17 July 2017

"37+ Grace Marks" an Wonderful Book by Author Vishal Anand Ji, As It's a Fictional Love story with many turning points in it. I enjoyed this copy.

37 + Grace Marks' is a fictional love story written by Respected Author Mr. Vishal Anand, who has managed to deliver a very sensitive message to the society through Viraj (one of the lead characters in this book as an engineering student). The story written in this book seems more affective to the most engineering students as well as all the incidents and accidents happening in their daily lives.

In this story, Honorable writer has penned down his best and expressed how the Love effects during the study ages, how despite of receiving low numbers in exams and seccuring weak report cards in performance, the ambition of living the life is most important.

Also the telepathy between Viraj and his father succeeded in bringing a good message to all the parents and proves viraj’s father an ideal father who shows his true love to his son without gravitating more on numbers or on report card.

In this book, the story explains all about the three friends Viraj, Puneet and Sahil who are engineering students also this story contains another character Nimisha, who played most active role as a special character and as Viraj’s Lover/ Girlfriend. Viraj is one of the main characters of this story, the ups and downs come across his life has been linked directly and indirectly to the life of all the ups and downs in all the teenager lives today. According to the story in the book, The Book title is very selective and commendable. As a reader and a genuine reviewer, After reading this book, I would like to recommend this book to all my reader friends. They may grab their copies from Amazon and enjoy worthy reading.
Thanks and Regards,

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